• SchemaValidationError


    Message NameSchemaValidationError
    Message CodeIST0106
    DescriptionThe resource has a schema validation error.

    This message occurs when your Istio configuration does not successfully passschema validation.

    For example, you receive this error:

    1. Error [IST0106] (VirtualService ratings-bogus-weight-default.default) Schema validation error: percentage 888 is not in range 0..100

    and your Istio configuration contains these values:

    1. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    2. kind: VirtualService
    3. metadata:
    4. name: ratings-bogus-weight-default
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. hosts:
    8. - ratings
    9. http:
    10. - route:
    11. - destination:
    12. host: ratings
    13. subset: v1
    14. weight: 999
    15. - destination:
    16. host: ratings
    17. subset: v2
    18. weight: 888

    In this example, the error message indicates that the weight element has aninvalid value when checked against the schema.

    To resolve this problem, refer to themessage details field to determinewhich element or value does not adhere to the schema, correct the error and tryagain.

    For details about the expected schema for Istio resources, see theconfiguration reference.