• NamespaceNotInjected


    Message NameNamespaceNotInjected
    Message CodeIST0102
    DescriptionA namespace is not enabled for Istio injection.

    This message occurs when you have a namespace that is missing theannotation to indicate whether thenamespace is auto-injected, for example sidecar.istio.io/inject.

    For example, you receive this error:

    1. Warn [IST0102] (Namespace default) The namespace is not enabled for Istio
    2. injection. Run 'kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled' to
    3. enable it, or 'kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=disabled' to
    4. explicitly mark it as not needing injection Error: Analyzer found issues.

    To resolve this problem, use an annotation to explicitly declare whetheror not you want the namespace to be auto-injected. For example:

    1. $ kubectl label namespace <namespace-name> istio-injection=enabled

    It is strongly recommended to explicitly define the desired injection behavior.Forgetting to annotate a namespace is a common cause of errors.