• Loops
    • While 语句
    • Loop 语句
    • For 语句
    • Break 语句
    • Continue 语句


    While 语句

    while denotes a loop that iterates as long as its given condition evaluates as true:

    1. let counter = 5;
    2. while counter {
    3. let counter -= 1;
    4. }

    Loop 语句

    除了 while, loop 还可用于创建无限循环:

    1. let n = 40;
    2. loop {
    3. let n -= 2;
    4. if n % 5 == 0 { break; }
    5. echo x, "\n";
    6. }

    For 语句

    for 是一种控制结构, 允许遍历数组或字符串:

    1. for item in ["a", "b", "c", "d"] {
    2. echo item, "\n";
    3. }


    1. let items = ["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4];
    2. for key, value in items {
    3. echo key, " ", value, "\n";
    4. }

    还可以指示` for </ 0>循环以相反的顺序遍历数组或字符串:</p>

    1. let items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    2. for value in reverse items { echo value, "\n";}`</pre>

    3. ` for </ 0>循环可用于遍历字符串变量:</p>

    4. string language = "zephir"; char ch;

    5. for ch in language { echo "[", ch ,"]";}`</pre>

    6. 按相反顺序:

    7. string language = &#34;zephir&#34;; char ch;
    8. for ch in reverse language {
    9.     echo &#34;[&#34;, ch ,&#34;]&#34;;
    10. }
    11. 遍历一系列整数值 可以写成如下:

    12. for i in range(1, 10) {
    13.     echo i, &#34;\n&#34;;
    14. }
    15. 要避免对未使用的变量发出警告,可以在for语句中使用匿名变量,方法是使用占位符` _ </ 0>替换变量名称:</p>

    16. 使用键, 但忽略该值
    17. for key, _ in data {    echo key, "\n";}`</pre> 

    18. Break 语句

      break 结束当前 whileforloop 语句的执行:

    19. for item in [&#34;a&#34;, &#34;b&#34;, &#34;c&#34;, &#34;d&#34;] {
    20.     if item == &#34;c&#34; {
    21.         break; // exit the for
    22.     }
    23.     echo item, &#34;\n&#34;;
    24. }
    25. Continue 语句

      在循环结构中使用 continue 跳过当前循环迭代的其余部分, 并在条件计算时继续执行, 然后在下一次迭代的开始时继续执行。

    26. let a = 5;
    27. while a &gt; 0 {
    28.     let a--;
    29.     if a == 3 {
    30.         continue;
    31.     }
    32.     echo a, &#34;\n&#34;;
    33. }