• 检查安装


    如果您已成功安装 Zephir, 则可以在控制台中执行以下命令:

    1. zephir 帮助

    如果一切正常, 您应该看到以下帮助 (或非常相似的内容):

    1. _____ __ _
    2. /__ / ___ ____ / /_ (_)____
    3. / / / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / ___/
    4. / /__/ __/ /_/ / / / / / /
    5. /____/\___/ .___/_/ /_/_/_/
    6. /_/
    7. Zephir 0.12.2 by Andres Gutierrez and Serghei Iakovlev (4ab69bd9)
    8. Usage:
    9. command [options] [arguments]
    10. Options:
    11. --dumpversion Print the version of the compiler and don't do anything else
    12. -h, --help Print this help message
    13. --no-ansi Disable ANSI output
    14. -V, --version Print compiler version information and quit
    15. Available commands:
    16. api Generates a HTML API based on the classes exposed in the extension
    17. build Generates/Compiles/Installs a Zephir extension
    18. clean Cleans any object files created by the extension
    19. compile Compile a Zephir extension
    20. fullclean Cleans any object files created by the extension (including files generated by phpize)
    21. generate Generates C code from the Zephir code without compiling it
    22. help Displays help for a command
    23. init Initializes a Zephir extension
    24. install Installs the extension in the extension directory (may require root password)
    25. stubs Generates stubs that can be used in a PHP IDE

    If something went wrong, please return back to the installation page.如果出现问题, 请返回到 installation 页面。