• 用tsuru部署Java应用
  • 概述
  • 在tsuru中创建应用
  • 部署代码
    • WAR包部署
    • 通过Git部署
  • 切换Java版本
  • 设置应用的内存大小
  • 进一步探索




    1. $ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=io.tsuru.javasample -DartifactId=helloweb -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp




    1. $ tsuru app-create <app-name> <app-platform>


    1. $ tsuru app-create helloweb java


    1. $ tsuru app-list
    2. +-------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+
    3. | Application | Units State Summary | Address |
    4. +-------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+
    5. | helloweb | 0 of 0 units in-service | helloweb. |
    6. +-------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+


    Java平台的部署方式有两种:用户可以将WAR包上传到tsuru或者用常规的git push的方式部署。下面将会介绍这两种方法:


    使用mvn原型,可以很容易的用mvn package打包WAR文件,然后用户可以通过tsuru app-deploy去部署代码:

    1. $ mvn package
    2. $ cd target
    3. $ tsuru app-deploy -a helloweb helloweb.war
    4. Uploading files.... ok
    5. ---- Building application image ----
    6. ---> Sending image to repository (0.00MB)
    7. ---> Cleaning up
    8. ---- Starting 1 new unit ----
    9. ---> Started unit 21c3b6aafa...
    10. ---- Binding and checking 1 new units ----
    11. ---> Bound and checked unit 21c3b6aafa
    12. ---- Adding routes to 1 new units ----
    13. ---> Added route to unit 21c3b6aafa
    14. OK

    完成!现在我们可以访问tsuru app-list返回的项目地址。记得加上/helloweb/。也可以将应用部署到 / 下面,只需要将WAR重命名为ROOT.war并且重新部署:

    1. $ mv helloweb.war ROOT.war
    2. $ tsuru app-deploy -a helloweb ROOT.war
    3. Uploading files... ok
    4. ---- Building application image ----
    5. ---> Sending image to repository (0.00MB)
    6. ---> Cleaning up
    7. ---- Starting 1 new unit ----
    8. ---> Started unit 4d155e805f...
    9. ---- Adding routes to 1 new units ----
    10. ---> Added route to unit 4d155e805f
    11. ---- Removing routes from 1 old units ----
    12. ---> Removed route from unit d2811c0801
    13. ---- Removing 1 old unit ----
    14. ---> Removed old unit 1/1
    15. OK



    对于Git部署的方式,需要将代码发送给tsuru,然后在那里编译。我们会配合mvn使用Jetty plugin。这么做需要创建一个Procfile并且输入以下的命令去启动应用:

    1. $ cat Procfile
    2. web: mvn jetty:run


    1. $ cat tsuru.yaml
    2. hooks:
    3. build:
    4. - mvn package


    1. $ tsuru app-info -a helloweb
    2. Application: helloweb
    3. Repository: git@
    4. Platform: java
    5. Teams: admin
    6. Address: helloweb.
    7. Owner: admin@example.com
    8. Team owner: admin
    9. Deploys: 2
    10. Pool: theonepool
    11. Units: 1
    12. +------------+---------+
    13. | Unit | State |
    14. +------------+---------+
    15. | 313458bb9d | started |
    16. +------------+---------+
    17. App Plan:
    18. +---------------+--------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
    19. | Name | Memory | Swap | Cpu Share | Router | Default |
    20. +---------------+--------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
    21. | autogenerated | 0 MB | 0 MB | 100 | | false |
    22. +---------------+--------+------+-----------+--------+---------+

    "Repository"那行包含了我们需要的远程仓库的地址。 现在我们可以用Git push去推送应用的代码:

    1. $ git push git@ master
    2. Counting objects: 25, done.
    3. Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
    4. Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
    5. Writing objects: 100% (25/25), 2.59 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
    6. Total 25 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    7. remote: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
    8. remote: [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    9. remote: [INFO]
    10. remote: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11. remote: [INFO] Building helloweb Maven Webapp 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    12. remote: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    13. remote: Downloading: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/2.3/maven-resources-plugin-2.3.pom
    14. remote: Downloaded: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/2.3/maven-resources-plugin-2.3.pom (5 KB at 6.0 KB/sec)
    15. remote: Downloading: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-plugins/12/maven-plugins-12.pom
    16. remote: Downloaded: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-plugins/12/maven-plugins-12.pom (12 KB at 35.9 KB/sec)
    17. ...
    18. remote: [INFO] Packaging webapp
    19. remote: [INFO] Assembling webapp [helloweb] in [/home/application/current/target/helloweb]
    20. remote: [INFO] Processing war project
    21. remote: [INFO] Copying webapp resources [/home/application/current/src/main/webapp]
    22. remote: [INFO] Webapp assembled in [27 msecs]
    23. remote: [INFO] Building war: /home/application/current/target/helloweb.war
    24. remote: [INFO] WEB-INF/web.xml already added, skipping
    25. remote: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26. remote: [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
    27. remote: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28. remote: [INFO] Total time: 51.729s
    29. remote: [INFO] Finished at: Tue Nov 11 17:04:05 UTC 2014
    30. remote: [INFO] Final Memory: 8M/19M
    31. remote: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32. remote:
    33. remote: ---- Building application image ----
    34. remote: ---> Sending image to repository (2.96MB)
    35. remote: ---> Cleaning up
    36. remote:
    37. remote: ---- Starting 1 new unit ----
    38. remote: ---> Started unit e71d176232...
    39. remote:
    40. remote: ---- Adding routes to 1 new units ----
    41. remote: ---> Added route to unit e71d176232
    42. remote:
    43. remote: ---- Removing routes from 1 old units ----
    44. remote: ---> Removed route from unit d8a2d14948
    45. remote:
    46. remote: ---- Removing 1 old unit ----
    47. remote: ---> Removed old unit 1/1
    48. remote:
    49. remote: OK
    50. To git@tsuru.mycompany.com:helloweb.git
    51. * [new branch] master -> master



    在tsuru的Java平台中,用户可以使用两个版本的Java:Oracle提供的Java 7和8。通过JAVA_VERSION环境变量可以选择你想使用的Java版本。缺省使用Java 7,但是可以通过运行下面的命令切换到Java 8:

    1. $ tsuru env-set -a helloweb JAVA_VERSION=8
    2. ---- Setting 1 new environment variables ----
    3. ---- Starting 1 new unit ----
    4. ---> Started unit d8a2d14948...
    5. ---- Adding routes to 1 new units ----
    6. ---> Added route to unit d8a2d14948
    7. ---- Removing routes from 1 old units ----
    8. ---> Removed route from unit 4d155e805f
    9. ---- Removing 1 old unit ----
    10. ---> Removed old unit 1/1

    完成!不需要再运行一次部署,应用已经运行在Java 8之上了。



    1. $ tsuru env-set -a helloweb JAVA_MAX_MEMORY=1024
    2. ---- Setting 1 new environment variables ----
    3. ---- Starting 1 new unit ----
    4. ---> Started unit o5p1k70289...
    5. ---- Adding routes to 1 new units ----
    6. ---> Added route to unit o5p1k70289
    7. ---- Removing routes from 1 old units ----
    8. ---> Removed route from unit d8a2d14948
    9. ---- Removing 1 old unit ----
    10. ---> Removed old unit 1/1

    完成! 不需要再运行一次部署,应用已经被分配了更多的内存。



    原文: http://doc.oschina.net/tsuru-paas?t=52823