• HttpUserId
  • 鎸囦护
  • userid
  • userid_domain
  • userid_expires
  • userid_name
  • userid_p3p
  • userid_path
  • userid_service
  • References


    The module ngx_http_userid_module gives out cookies for identification of clients. For logging it is possible to use variables $uid_got and $uid_set. Remark: keep in mind variables $uid_got and $uid_set are not accessible in SSI, because SSI filter module working before userid filter.

    This module is compatible with mod_uid for Apache.


    1. userid on;
    2. userid_name uid;
    3. userid_domain example.com;
    4. userid_path /;
    5. userid_expires 365d;
    6. userid_p3p 'policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CUR ADM OUR NOR STA NID"';



    syntax:*userid [on|v1|log||off]*

    default:*userid off*

    context:*http, server, location*

    Enables or disables issuing cookies and logging requested cookies:

    • on - enables version 2 cookies and logs them;
    • v1 - enables version 1 cookies and logs them;
    • log - do not send cookies, but write down incoming cookies to log;
    • off - do not send cookies, and don't write them to logs;


    syntax:*userid_domain [ name | none ]*

    default:*userid_domain none*

    context:*http, server, location*

    Assigns the domain for cookie. The parameter "none" doesn't issue domain for cookie.


    syntax:*userid_expires [ time | max ]*


    context:*http, server, location*

    Sets the expiration time for the cookie.

    The parameter set & send-out browser expiration time for cookie. Value "max" assigns the time on 31 December, 2037, 23:55:55 gmt. This is the maximum time that older browsers understand.


    syntax:*userid_name name*

    default:*userid_name uid*

    context:*http, server, location*

    Assigns name to cookie.


    syntax:*userid_p3p line*


    context:*http, server, location*

    Directive assigns value for the header P3P, which will sent together with cookie.


    syntax:*userid_path path*

    default:*userid_path /*

    context:*http, server, location*

    Sets the cookie path.


    syntax:*userid_service number*

    default:*userid_service address*

    context:*http, server, location*

    Directive assigns the IP address of the server which gave out cookie. If not set, version 1 cookies set to zero, and for version 2 cookies the IP address of server.


    Original Documentation

    原文: https://wizardforcel.gitbooks.io/nginx-doc/content/Text/3.23_userid.html