• 1. confd的部署
  • 2. confd的配置
    • 2.1. confd.toml
    • 2.2. 创建confdir
      • 2.2.1. Template Resources
      • 2.2.2. Template
  • 3. 创建后端存储的配置数据
  • 4. 启动confd的服务
  • 5. 查看生成的配置文件
  • 6. confd动态更新twemproxy
    • 6.1. twemproxy.toml
    • 6.2. twemproxy.tmpl
    • 6.3. etcd中的配置格式
    • 6.4. 生成twemproxy配置文件
  • 7. confd的命令


    1. confd的部署



    1. # Download the binary
    2. wget https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd/releases/download/v0.16.0/confd-0.16.0-linux-amd64
    3. # 重命名二进制文件,并移动到PATH的目录下
    4. mv confd-0.16.0-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/confd
    5. chmod +x /usr/local/bin/confd
    6. # 验证是否安装成功
    7. confd --help

    2. confd的配置


    2.1. confd.toml



    • 存储后端etcdv3
    1. backend = "etcdv3"
    2. confdir = "/etc/confd"
    3. log-level = "debug"
    4. interval = 5
    5. nodes = [
    6. "",
    7. ]
    8. scheme = "http"
    9. watch = true


    • 存储后端为redis
    1. backend = "redis"
    2. confdir = "/etc/confd"
    3. log-level = "debug"
    4. interval = 1 # 间隔 1 秒同步一次配置文件
    5. nodes = [
    6. "",
    7. ]
    8. scheme = "http"
    9. client_key = "123456" # redis的密码,不是 password 参数
    10. #watch = true




    1. publish __keyspace@0__:{prefix}/{key} set(or del)

    2.2. 创建confdir


    • conf.d:confd的配置文件,主要包含配置的生成逻辑,例如模板源,后端存储对应的keys,命令执行等。
    • templates:配置模板Template,即基于不同组件的配置,修改为符合 Golang text templates的模板文件。
    1. sudo mkdir -p /etc/confd/{conf.d,templates}

    2.2.1. Template Resources




    • dest (string) - The target file.
    • keys (array of strings) - An array of keys.
    • src (string) - The relative path of a configuration template.


    • gid (int) - The gid that should own the file. Defaults to the effective gid.
    • mode (string) - The permission mode of the file.
    • uid (int) - The uid that should own the file. Defaults to the effective uid.
    • reload_cmd (string) - The command to reload config.
    • check_cmd (string) - The command to check config. Use {{src}} to reference the rendered source template.
    • prefix (string) - The string to prefix to keys.



    1. [template]
    2. prefix = "/myapp"
    3. src = "nginx.tmpl"
    4. dest = "/tmp/myapp.conf"
    5. owner = "nginx"
    6. mode = "0644"
    7. keys = [
    8. "/services/web"
    9. ]
    10. check_cmd = "/usr/sbin/nginx -t -c {{.src}}"
    11. reload_cmd = "/usr/sbin/service nginx reload"

    2.2.2. Template





    1. {{range $dir := lsdir "/services/web"}}
    2. upstream {{base $dir}} {
    3. {{$custdir := printf "/services/web/%s/*" $dir}}{{range gets $custdir}}
    4. server {{$data := json .Value}}{{$data.IP}}:80;
    5. {{end}}
    6. }
    7. server {
    8. server_name {{base $dir}}.example.com;
    9. location / {
    10. proxy_pass {{base $dir}};
    11. }
    12. }
    13. {{end}}

    3. 创建后端存储的配置数据


    1. etcdctl --endpoints=$endpoints put /services/web/cust1/2 '{"IP": ""}'
    2. etcdctl --endpoints=$endpoints put /services/web/cust2/2 '{"IP": ""}'
    3. etcdctl --endpoints=$endpoints put /services/web/cust2/1 '{"IP": ""}'
    4. etcdctl --endpoints=$endpoints put /services/web/cust1/1 '{"IP": ""}'

    4. 启动confd的服务



    1. /usr/local/bin/confd -config-file /etc/confd/conf/confd.toml


    1. confd -watch -backend etcdv3 -node &


    1. # 执行命令
    2. confd -onetime -backend etcdv3 -node
    3. # output
    4. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO Backend set to etcdv3
    5. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO Starting confd
    6. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO Backend source(s) set to
    7. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO /root/myapp/twemproxy/conf/twemproxy.conf has md5sum 6f0f43abede612c75cb840a4840fbea3 should be 32f48664266e3fd6b56ee73a314ee272
    8. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO Target config /root/myapp/twemproxy/conf/twemproxy.conf out of sync
    9. 2018-05-11T18:04:59+08:00 k8s-dbg-master-1 confd[35808]: INFO Target config /root/myapp/twemproxy/conf/twemproxy.conf has been updated

    5. 查看生成的配置文件


    1. [root@k8s-dbg-master-1 dest]# cat myapp.conf
    2. upstream cust1 {
    3. server;
    4. server;
    5. }
    6. server {
    7. server_name cust1.example.com;
    8. location / {
    9. proxy_pass cust1;
    10. }
    11. }
    12. upstream cust2 {
    13. server;
    14. server;
    15. }
    16. server {
    17. server_name cust2.example.com;
    18. location / {
    19. proxy_pass cust2;
    20. }
    21. }

    6. confd动态更新twemproxy

    6.1. twemproxy.toml


    1. [template]
    2. src = "twemproxy.tmpl"
    3. dest = "/root/myapp/twemproxy/conf/twemproxy.conf"
    4. keys = [
    5. "/twemproxy/pool"
    6. ]
    7. check_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/nutcracker -t -c /root/myapp/twemproxy/conf/twemproxy.conf"
    8. reload_cmd = "bash /root/myapp/twemproxy/reload.sh"

    6.2. twemproxy.tmpl


    1. global:
    2. worker_processes: 4 # 并发进程数, 如果为0, 这 fallback 回原来的单进程模型(不支持 config reload!)
    3. user: nobody # worker 进程的用户, 默认 nobody. 只要主进程是 root 用户启动才生效.
    4. group: nobody # worker 进程的用户组
    5. worker_shutdown_timeout: 30 # 单位为秒. 用于 reload 过程中在改时间段之后强制退出旧的 worker 进程.
    6. pools: {{range gets "/twemproxy/pool/*"}}
    7. {{base .Key}}: {{$pool := json .Value}}
    8. listen: {{$pool.ListenAddr.IP}}:{{$pool.ListenAddr.Port}}
    9. hash: fnv1a_64 # 选择实例的 hash 规则
    10. distribution: ketama
    11. auto_eject_hosts: true # server 有问题是否剔除
    12. redis: true # 是否为 Redis 协议
    13. {{if $pool.Password}}redis_auth: {{$pool.Password}}{{end}}
    14. server_retry_timeout: 5000 # 被剔除多长时间后会重试
    15. server_connections: 25 # NOTE: server 连接池的大小, 默认为 1, 建议调整
    16. server_failure_limit: 5 # 失败多少次后暂时剔除
    17. timeout: 1000 # Server 超时时间, 1 sec
    18. backlog: 1024 # 连接队列大小
    19. preconnect: true # 预连接大小
    20. servers:{{range $server := $pool.Servers}}
    21. - {{$server.IP}}:{{$server.Port}}:1 {{if $server.Master}}master{{end}}
    22. {{end}}
    23. {{end}}

    6.3. etcd中的配置格式



    1. type Pool struct{
    2. ListenAddr ListenAddr `json:"ListenAddr,omitempty"`
    3. Servers []Server `json:"Servers,omitempty"`
    4. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"`
    5. }
    6. type ListenAddr struct {
    7. IP string `json:"IP,omitempty"`
    8. Port string `json:"Port,omitempty"`
    9. }
    10. type Server struct {
    11. IP string `json:"IP,omitempty"`
    12. Port string `json:"Port,omitempty"`
    13. Master bool `json:"Master,omitempty"`
    14. }


    1. {
    2. "ListenAddr": {
    3. "IP": "",
    4. "Port": "22225"
    5. },
    6. "Servers": [
    7. {
    8. "IP": "",
    9. "Port": "6379",
    10. "Master": true
    11. },
    12. {
    13. "IP": "",
    14. "Port": "6379",
    15. "Master": false
    16. }
    17. ],
    18. "Password": "987654"
    19. }

    6.4. 生成twemproxy配置文件

    1. global:
    2. worker_processes: 4 # 并发进程数, 如果为0, 这 fallback 回原来的单进程模型(不支持 config reload!)
    3. user: nobody # worker 进程的用户, 默认 nobody. 只要主进程是 root 用户启动才生效.
    4. group: nobody # worker 进程的用户组
    5. worker_shutdown_timeout: 30 # 单位为秒. 用于 reload 过程中在改时间段之后强制退出旧的 worker 进程.
    6. pools:
    7. redis1:
    8. listen:
    9. hash: fnv1a_64 # 选择实例的 hash 规则
    10. distribution: ketama
    11. auto_eject_hosts: true # server 有问题是否剔除
    12. redis: true # 是否为 Redis 协议
    13. redis_auth: 987654
    14. server_retry_timeout: 5000 # 被剔除多长时间后会重试
    15. server_connections: 25 # NOTE: server 连接池的大小, 默认为 1, 建议调整
    16. server_failure_limit: 5 # 失败多少次后暂时剔除
    17. timeout: 1000 # Server 超时时间, 1 sec
    18. backlog: 1024 # 连接队列大小
    19. preconnect: true # 预连接大小
    20. servers:
    21. -
    22. redis2:
    23. listen:
    24. hash: fnv1a_64 # 选择实例的 hash 规则
    25. distribution: ketama
    26. auto_eject_hosts: true # server 有问题是否剔除
    27. redis: true # 是否为 Redis 协议
    28. redis_auth: 987654
    29. server_retry_timeout: 5000 # 被剔除多长时间后会重试
    30. server_connections: 25 # NOTE: server 连接池的大小, 默认为 1, 建议调整
    31. server_failure_limit: 5 # 失败多少次后暂时剔除
    32. timeout: 1000 # Server 超时时间, 1 sec
    33. backlog: 1024 # 连接队列大小
    34. preconnect: true # 预连接大小
    35. servers:
    36. - master
    37. -

    7. confd的命令

    1. $ confd --help
    2. Usage of confd:
    3. -app-id string
    4. Vault app-id to use with the app-id backend (only used with -backend=vault and auth-type=app-id)
    5. -auth-token string
    6. Auth bearer token to use
    7. -auth-type string
    8. Vault auth backend type to use (only used with -backend=vault)
    9. -backend string
    10. backend to use (default "etcd")
    11. -basic-auth
    12. Use Basic Auth to authenticate (only used with -backend=consul and -backend=etcd)
    13. -client-ca-keys string
    14. client ca keys
    15. -client-cert string
    16. the client cert
    17. -client-key string
    18. the client key
    19. -confdir string
    20. confd conf directory (default "/etc/confd")
    21. -config-file string
    22. the confd config file (default "/etc/confd/confd.toml")
    23. -file value
    24. the YAML file to watch for changes (only used with -backend=file)
    25. -filter string
    26. files filter (only used with -backend=file) (default "*")
    27. -interval int
    28. backend polling interval (default 600)
    29. -keep-stage-file
    30. keep staged files
    31. -log-level string
    32. level which confd should log messages
    33. -node value
    34. list of backend nodes
    35. -noop
    36. only show pending changes
    37. -onetime
    38. run once and exit
    39. -password string
    40. the password to authenticate with (only used with vault and etcd backends)
    41. -path string
    42. Vault mount path of the auth method (only used with -backend=vault)
    43. -prefix string
    44. key path prefix
    45. -role-id string
    46. Vault role-id to use with the AppRole, Kubernetes backends (only used with -backend=vault and either auth-type=app-role or auth-type=kubernetes)
    47. -scheme string
    48. the backend URI scheme for nodes retrieved from DNS SRV records (http or https) (default "http")
    49. -secret-id string
    50. Vault secret-id to use with the AppRole backend (only used with -backend=vault and auth-type=app-role)
    51. -secret-keyring string
    52. path to armored PGP secret keyring (for use with crypt functions)
    53. -separator string
    54. the separator to replace '/' with when looking up keys in the backend, prefixed '/' will also be removed (only used with -backend=redis)
    55. -srv-domain string
    56. the name of the resource record
    57. -srv-record string
    58. the SRV record to search for backends nodes. Example: _etcd-client._tcp.example.com
    59. -sync-only
    60. sync without check_cmd and reload_cmd
    61. -table string
    62. the name of the DynamoDB table (only used with -backend=dynamodb)
    63. -user-id string
    64. Vault user-id to use with the app-id backend (only used with -backend=value and auth-type=app-id)
    65. -username string
    66. the username to authenticate as (only used with vault and etcd backends)
    67. -version
    68. print version and exit
    69. -watch
    70. enable watch support




