• 脚本
    • 一、托管脚本(Hosted Scripting)
    • 二、命令参考(Command Reference)
      • 2.1 导航/ DOM互动(Navigation/DOM Interaction)
        • 2.1.1 navigate
        • 2.1.2 click
        • 2.1.3 clickAndWait
        • 2.1.4 selectValue
        • 2.1.5 sendClick / sendClickAndWait
        • 2.1.6 sendKeyDown / sendKeyUp / sendKeyPress (AndWait)
        • 2.1.7 setInnerHTML
        • 2.1.8 setInnerText
        • 2.1.9 setValue
        • 2.1.10 submitForm
        • 2.1.11 exec
        • 2.1.12 execAndWait
        • 2.1.13 fileDialog
      • 2.2 结束条件(End Conditions)
        • 2.2.1 requiredRequest
        • 2.2.2 setABM
        • 2.2.3 setActivityTimeout
        • 2.2.4 setDOMElement
        • 2.2.5 setDOMRequest
        • 2.2.6 setTimeout
        • 2.2.7 waitForComplete
        • 2.2.8 waitForJSDone
      • 2.3 请求操作(Request Manipulation)
        • 2.3.1 block
        • 2.3.2 blockDomains
        • 2.3.3 blockDomainsExecpt
        • 2.3.4 setCookie
        • 2.3.5 setDns
        • 2.3.6 setDNSName
        • 2.3.7 setUserAgent
        • 2.3.8 overrideHost
        • 2.3.9 overrideHostUrl
        • 2.3.10 addHeader
        • 2.3.11 setHeader
        • 2.3.12 resetHeaders
      • 2.4 杂项(Misc)
        • 2.4.1 combineSteps
        • 2.4.2 if/else/endif
        • 2.4.3 ignoreErrors
        • 2.4.4 logErrors
        • 2.4.5 loadFile
        • 2.4.6 loadVariables
        • 2.4.7 minInterval
        • 2.4.8 endInterval
        • 2.4.9 expireCache
        • 2.4.10 firefoxPref
        • 2.4.11 setEventName
        • 2.4.12 setViewportSize
        • 2.4.13 sleep
    • 三、示例脚本
      • 1. Mail test
      • 2. MyAOL Authenticated profile
      • 3. DNS Override
      • 4. iPhone Spoofing


    你可以通过从“文件”菜单中选择“Run Script”来测试桌面版本中的脚本。
      脚本文件的每一行包含一个命令和任何必要的参数,并且以制表符分隔(即命令之后是一个制表符,然后是第一个参数,然后是一个制表符和第二个参数等,直到该行结束)。 参数的数量及其控制取决于命令。
      对DOM元素操作的脚本命令标识具有attribute = value格式的DOM元素,其中该属性标识要作用的DOM元素的唯一属性。例如,如果正在填写表单,填充的元素看起来像这样:

    1. <input type="text" class="tabInputFields" id="lgnId1" value="" tabindex="1" maxlength="97" name="loginId"/>

    你可以将它标识为id = lgnId1name = loginIdtabindex = 1
      对于表单字段,通常最好使用名称属性,这些将被上传到服务器。类属性是特殊的,并且被引用为className而不是类。除了DOM元素属性匹配之外,还有两个特殊属性可用于匹配内容。 innerTextinnerHtml,它们都将匹配DOM元素的内容,而不是它的属性。例如:

    1. <div dojoattachpoint="containerNode" class="label">Delete</div>

    可以通过innerText = Delete来标识。 匹配区分大小写,并匹配完整字符串。

    一、托管脚本(Hosted Scripting)


    • 托管的脚本只能有一个步骤产生数据(见下面的例子,如何抑制中间步骤的结果)
    • 不允许使用使用外部文件的命令(loadFile,loadVariables,fileDialog)


    1. logData 0
    2. // put any urls you want to navigate
    3. navigate www.aol.com
    4. navigate news.aol.com
    5. logData 1
    6. // this step will get recorded
    7. navigate news.aol.com/world

    上面的脚本将导航到主要的aol门户,然后到新闻页面,最后到世界新闻特定页面(仅记录世界新闻页面的记录结果)。 这样就可以测试给定路径对网站的性能(例如,共享css和js缓存)的影响。

    1. logData 0
    2. // bring up the login screen
    3. navigate http://webmail.aol.com
    4. logData 1
    5. // log in
    6. setValue name=loginId someuser@aol.com
    7. setValue name=password somepassword
    8. submitForm name=AOLLoginForm

    你不会得到很多关于脚本失败的反馈,所以请确保在桌面版本的WebPagetest(File->Run Script)中测试脚本,然后再上传它们进行托管测试。

    二、命令参考(Command Reference)


    2.1 导航/ DOM互动(Navigation/DOM Interaction)

    2.1.1 navigate


    1. usage: navigate <url>
    2. example: navigate http://webmail.aol.com
    3. <url> - URL to provide the browser for navigation (same as you would enter into the address bar)

    2.1.2 click

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: click <attribute=value>
    2. example: click title=Delete (del)
    3. <attribute'value> - DOM element to click on

    2.1.3 clickAndWait

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: clickAndWait <attribute=value>
    2. example: clickAndWait innerText=Send
    3. <attribute'value> - DOM element to click on

    2.1.4 selectValue


    1. usage: selectValue <attribute=value> <value>
    2. example: selectValue id=country usa
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to select the value of
    4. <value> - value to use

    2.1.5 sendClick / sendClickAndWait

    创建JavaScript OnClick事件并将其发送到指定的元素。

    1. usage: sendClickAndWait <attribute=value>
    2. example: sendClickAndWait innerText=Send
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to send the click event to

    2.1.6 sendKeyDown / sendKeyUp / sendKeyPress (AndWait)


    1. usage: sendKeyDownAndWait <attribute=value> <key>
    2. example: sendKeyDownAndWait name=user x
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to send the click event to
    4. <key> - Key command to send (special values are ENTER, DEL, DELETE, BACKSPACE, TAB, ESCAPE, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN)

    2.1.7 setInnerHTML

    将给定DOM元素的innerHTML设置为所提供的值。这通常用于填充类似可编辑的HTML面板(如webmail中的消息正文)。 如果要包括HTML格式,请使用此选项。
    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: setInnerHTML <attribute=value> <value>
    2. example: setInnerHTML contentEditable=true %MSG%
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to set the innerText of
    4. <value> - value to use

    2.1.8 setInnerText

    将给定DOM元素的innerText设置为所提供的值。这通常用于填充类似可编辑的HTML面板(如webmail中的消息正文)。 如果您不想包括任何HTML格式,请使用此选项。
    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: setInnerText <attribute=value> <value>
    2. example: setInnerText contentEditable=true %MSG%
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to set the innerText of
    4. <value> - value to use

    2.1.9 setValue

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: setValue <attribute=value> <value>
    2. example: setValue name=loginId userName
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to set the value of
    4. <value> - value to use

    2.1.10 submitForm

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: submitForm <attribute=value>
    2. example: submitForm name=AOLLoginForm
    3. <attribute=value> - Form element to submit

    2.1.11 exec

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: exec <javascript code>
    2. example: exec window.setInterval('window.scrollBy(0,600)', 1000);

    2.1.12 execAndWait

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: execAndWait <javascript code>
    2. example: execAndWait window.setInterval('window.scrollBy(0,600)', 1000);

    2.1.13 fileDialog

    单击标识的按钮以操作本地文件,指定所提供的文件,然后关闭本地文件浏览对话框。 这主要用于上传本地文件(附加到邮件,上传图片等)。

    1. usage: fileDialog <attribute=value> <file>
    2. example: fileDialog type=file msg.gif
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to click on.
    4. <file> - file to attach/upload.


    2.2 结束条件(End Conditions)

    2.2.1 requiredRequest


    1. usage: requiredRequest <url substring>
    2. example: requiredRequest adsWrapper.js
    3. <url substring> - Part of the request URL to match (case-sensitive substring match)


    1. requiredRequest www.aol.com
    2. requiredRequest www.google.com
    3. navigate www.google.com

    2.2.2 setABM

    设置“基于活动的测量(Activity Based Measurement)”模式。 有效值为:

    • 0 - 禁用(Web 1.0 - 基于文档完成的测量)
    • 1 - 启用(Web 2.0 - 测量直到活动停止)
    • 2 - 自动(测量直到活动停止,但记录是否应使用文档完成或完全加载数字)


    1. usage: setABM <mode>
    2. example: setABM 0
    3. <mode> - ABM mode to use

    2.2.3 setActivityTimeout

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

    1. usage: setActivityTimeout <timeout in milliseconds>
    2. example: setActivityTimeout 5000
    3. <timeout in milliseconds> - Number of milliseconds after the last network activity (after onload) before calling a test done.

    2.2.4 setDOMElement

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: setDOMElement <attribute=value>
    2. example: setDOMElement name=loginId
    3. <attribute=value> - DOM element to wait for

    2.2.5 setDOMRequest


    1. usage: setDOMRequest <target> <value>
    2. example: setDOMRequest www.google.com/images
    3. <target> - Http Request to wait for
    4. <value> - It is optional. It can be TTFB or START. If it is not present, the time till the END of the Http Request will be recorded in the results

    2.2.6 setTimeout

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

    1. usage: setTimeout <timeout in seconds>
    2. example: setTimeout 240
    3. <timeout in seconds> - Number of seconds to allow for the navigation/step to complete.

    2.2.7 waitForComplete


    1. usage: waitforComplete
    2. example: waitforComplete

    2.2.8 waitForJSDone


    1. usage: waitForJSDone
    2. example: waitForJSDone


    1. if( window.webpagetest )
    2. window.webpagetest.done();

    2.3 请求操作(Request Manipulation)

    2.3.1 block

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox

    1. usage: block <block strings>
    2. example: block adswrapper.js addthis.com
    3. <block strings> - space-delimited list of substrings to block

    2.3.2 blockDomains

    浏览器支持:桌面(wptdriver 300+)

    1. usage: blockDomains <block domains>
    2. example: blockDomains adswrapper.js addthis.com
    3. <block domains> - space-delimited list of domains to block

    2.3.3 blockDomainsExecpt

    浏览器支持:桌面(wptdriver 300+)

    1. usage: blockDomainsExcept <allow domains>
    2. example: blockDomainsExcept www.example.com cdn.example.com
    3. <allow domains> - space-delimited list of domains to allow

    2.3.4 setCookie


    1. usage: setCookie <path> <value>
    2. example: setCookie http://www.aol.com zip=20166
    3. example: setCookie http://www.aol.com TestData = Test; expires = Sat,01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT
    4. <path> - Path where the cookie should be used/stored
    5. <value> - Cookie value (if expiration information isn't included it will be stored as a session cookie)

    2.3.5 setDns

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

    1. usage: setDns <host name> <IP Address>
    2. example: setDns www.aol.com
    3. <host name> - Host name for the DNS entry to override
    4. <IP Address> - IP Address for the host name to resolve to

    2.3.6 setDNSName

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

    1. usage: setDnsName <name to override> <real name>
    2. example: setDnsName pat.aol.com www.aol.com
    3. <name to override> - Host name to replace
    4. <real name> - Real name to lookup instead

    2.3.7 setUserAgent

    浏览器支持:IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

    1. usage: setUserAgent <user agent string>
    2. example: setUserAgent Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543 Safari/419.3
    3. <user agent string> - User agent string to use.

    2.3.8 overrideHost


    1. usage: overrideHost <host> <new host>
    2. example: overrideHost www.aol.com www.notaol.com
    3. <host> - host for which you want to override the Host: HTTP header
    4. <new host> - value to set for the Host header

    2.3.9 overrideHostUrl


    1. usage: overrideHostUrl <host> <new host>
    2. example: overrideHostUrl www.webpagetest.org staging.webpagetest.org
    3. <host> - host for which you want to redirect requests
    4. <new host> - target server to receive the redirected requests
    5. In this example, http://www.webpagetest.org/index.php will get rewritten to actually request http://staging.webpagetest.org/www.webpagetest.org/index.php

    2.3.10 addHeader


    1. usage: addHeader <header> {filter}
    2. example: addHeader Pragma: akamai-x-cache-on
    3. <header> - Full header entry to add (including label)
    4. {filter} - (optional) regex match for host names where the header should be added

    2.3.11 setHeader


    1. usage: setHeader <header> {filter}
    2. example: setHeader UA-CPU: none-ya
    3. <header> - Full header entry to set (including label)
    4. {filter} - (optional) regex match for host names where the header should be set

    2.3.12 resetHeaders


    1. usage: resetHeaders
    2. example: resetHeaders

    2.4 杂项(Misc)

    2.4.1 combineSteps


    1. usage: combineSteps [count]
    2. example: combineSteps
    3. [count] - Number of script steps to merge (optional, defaults to 0 which is ALL)


    1. combineSteps
    2. navigate www.google.com
    3. navigate www.yahoo.com
    4. navigate www.aol.com

    2.4.2 if/else/endif


    1. usage: if [cached|run] <value>
    2. else
    3. endif
    4. example: if run 1
    5. if cached 0
    6. <do something for first view of first run>
    7. endif
    8. else
    9. <do something else for everything but first run>
    10. endif
    11. [cached|run] - Compare against run number or cached state
    12. <value> - matching run number or cached state to execute block

    2.4.3 ignoreErrors


    1. usage: ignoreErrors <ignore>
    2. example: ignoreErrors 1
    3. <ignore> - set to 1 to turn on error ignoring and 0 to disable it

    2.4.4 logErrors


    1. usage: logErrors <log>
    2. example: logErrors 0
    3. <log> - set to 0 to turn off error logging and 1 to re-enable it

    2.4.5 loadFile

    脚本引擎将自动替换值参数字段(第3个参数)中任何变量的所有出现。对变量如何命名没有限制,但强烈建议您使用%variable%或$ variable $或类似的约定,以便不会意外替换您不希望发生的变量。

    1. usage: loadFile <file> <variable>
    2. example: loadFile msg.txt %MSG%
    3. <file> - file contents that are to be loaded into the provided variable name.
    4. <variable> - variable name to associate with the file contents.


    2.4.6 loadVariables

    从提供的文件填充一组变量。 该文件应该是一个平面文本文件,每行上的变量格式为“variable = value”。

    1. %AOLSN%=username
    2. %AOLPW%=password
    3. {noformat}
    4. The script engine will automatically replace all occurrences of any variable in the value parameter field (3rd parameter). There is no restriction on how the variables are named but it is strongly recommended that you use a convention of %variable% or $variable$ or something similar so that you don't accidentally substitute variables where you did not expect it to happen.
    5. There is no limit on the number of variables you can use or the number of variable files you can load. Each new variable file just adds to the existing variable list. If there is a collision in variable names between two files, the one that is loaded last replaces all previous versions.
    6. <code><pre>
    7. usage: loadVariables <variable file>
    8. example: loadVariables accounts.txt
    9. <variable file> - file that includes the variable/value pairs (see format above).

    2.4.7 minInterval


    1. usage: minInterval <key> <interval>
    2. example: minInterval AOLSendMail 60
    3. <key> - Unique event name that will be restricted to the interval
    4. <interval> - Minimum time in minutes to allow between allowing the event to run

    2.4.8 endInterval


    1. usage: endInterval
    2. example: endInterval

    2.4.9 expireCache


    1. usage: expireCache <seconds>
    2. example: expireCache 86400
    3. <seconds> - Any resources with a cache lifetime less than this amount of time will be forced to expire.

    2.4.10 firefoxPref


    1. usage: firefoxPref <pref> <value>
    2. examples:
    3. firefoxPref network.http.pipelining false
    4. firefoxPref network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 5
    5. firefoxPref general.useragent.override "Some User Agent String"
    6. <pref> - The preference that is to be modified
    7. <value> - The value to use. String values should be enclosed in quotes like the example.

    2.4.11 setEventName


    1. usage: setEventName <event name>
    2. example: setEventName loadWebmail
    3. <event name> - Name to use for the event about to occur (in resulting log files)

    2.4.12 setViewportSize


    1. usage: setViewportSize <width> <height>
    2. example: setViewportSize 320 365
    3. <width> - Viewport Width
    4. <height> - Viewport Height

    2.4.13 sleep


    1. usage: sleep <seconds to sleep>
    2. example: sleep 5
    3. <seconds to sleep> - An integer indicating how long to sleep. The allowable range is 1-30.


    1. Mail test

    1. // load the account name and password
    2. loadVariables accounts.txt
    3. // bring up the login screen
    4. setEventName launch
    5. setDOMElement name=loginId
    6. navigate http://webmail.aol.com
    7. // ignore any errors from here on (in case the mailbox is empty or we get image challenged)
    8. ignoreErrors 1
    9. // log in
    10. setValue name=loginId %AOLSN%
    11. setValue name=password %AOLPW%
    12. setDOMElement className=turbogrid-row
    13. setEventName load
    14. submitForm name=AOLLoginForm
    15. // only read and send a mail once an hour
    16. minInterval AOLMail 60
    17. // close the today curtain
    18. click className=backdrop
    19. sleep 5
    20. // Open the first message with a subject of "test"
    21. setDOMElement className=msgBody
    22. setEventName read
    23. clickAndWait innerText=test
    24. // delete the message
    25. click title=Delete (del)
    26. sleep 5
    27. // open the compose mail form
    28. setDOMElement contentEditable=true
    29. setEventName compose
    30. clickAndWait title=Write mail (Alt + w)
    31. // send a test message to myself
    32. sleep 1
    33. setValue tabindex=100 %AOLSN%
    34. setValue name=Subject test
    35. loadFile msg.txt %MSG%
    36. setInnerText contentEditable=true %MSG%
    37. fileDialog type=file msg.gif
    38. sleep 1
    39. setDOMElement className=confirmMessage
    40. setEventName send
    41. clickAndWait innerText=Send
    42. endInterval
    43. // sign off
    44. setEventName logout
    45. clickAndWait className=signOutLink

    2. MyAOL Authenticated profile

    1. // load the account name and password
    2. loadVariables accounts.txt
    3. // bring up the login screen
    4. setDOMElement name=loginId
    5. navigate https://my.screenname.aol.com/_cqr/login/login.psp?mcState=initialized&sitedomain=my.aol.com&authLev=0&siteState=OrigUrl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmy.aol.com%2F
    6. // log in
    7. setValue name=loginId %AOLSN%
    8. setValue name=password %AOLPW%
    9. setDOMElement className=more_pics
    10. submitForm name=AOLLoginForm

    3. DNS Override


    • www1.aol.com创建一个假的DNS条目,并让它查找www.aol.com
    • 强制www.aol.com解析为127.0.0.1
    • www.aol.com域中设置“zip”cookie
    • 跳转并测量加载www.aol.com的时间
      1. setDnsName www1.aol.com www.aol.com
      2. setDns www.aol.com
      3. setCookie http://www.aol.com zip=20166
      4. navigate http://www.aol.com

    4. iPhone Spoofing


    • 使用iPhone用户代理字符串
    • 更改浏览器尺寸以匹配iPhone
    • 跳转到www.aol.com
      1. setUserAgent Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25
      2. setViewportSize 320 356
      3. navigate http://www.aol.com